Multi-Tenanted Entity Framework Core Migration Deployment

by Chad
Published April 11, 2021
Last updated March 21, 2023

Waves Waves

There's many ways to deploy pending Entity Framework Core (EF Core) migrations, especially for multi-tenanted scenarios. In this post, I'll demonstrate a strategy to efficiently apply pending EF Core 6 migrations using a .NET 6 console app.

Update: This post has been updated to use .NET 6 and Entity Framework Core 6.

Previous Article: Entity Framework 6 Migration Deployment

I recently created a post that demonstrated a strategy to deploy Entity Framework 6 (EF6) migrations using a console app. Now that EF Core has become the preferred ORM these days, I also wanted to see how this strategy looked using EF Core 6.


You can find the code for this EF Core example here.

Multi-Tenanted Databases

Just like my post using EF6, for the purposes of this post, multi-tenanted refers to each tenant having its own database or connection string that's compatible with a single DbContext.

Applying EF Core Migrations with a .NET 6 Console App

There's several ways to apply pending migrations, but for this post I'll be creating a .NET 6 console app that's dedicated to applying migrations to several tenant databases.

Main Method

My console app's Main method outlines what I want to accomplish.

List<MigratorTenantInfo> tenants = GetConfiguredTenants();

IEnumerable<Task> tasks = tenants.Select(t => MigrateTenantDatabase(t));
		Logger.Information("Starting parallel execution of pending migrations...");
		await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
		Logger.Warning("Parallel execution of pending migrations is complete with error(s).");
		return (int)ExitCode.Error;

Logger.Information("Parallel execution of pending migrations is complete.");
return (int)ExitCode.Success;

I want to 1) get a list of my tenants from configuration, 2) execute the migrations for each of these tenants, and 3) tell the console app runner, whether that's my host OS or the CI/CD pipeline, whether all the migrations were applied successfully or an error was encountered.

I'm able to apply each set of tenant migrations in parallel by creating a list of Task's, where each Task is the asynchronous MigrateTenantDatabase method.

Getting the Configured Tenants

To gather information about each tenant, I have an appsettings.json file like this:

  "MigratorTenantInfo": [
      "Name": "Default",
      "ConnectionString": "Server=(LocalDb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=DefaultEfCoreContext;Trusted_Connection=True;"
      "Name": "ExtremeGolf",
      "ConnectionString": "Server=(LocalDb)\\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=EfCoreDbContextExtremeGolf;Trusted_Connection=True;"

My GetConfiguredTenants method yields a strongly typed list of tenants:

List<MigratorTenantInfo> GetConfiguredTenants()
    var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
        .AddJsonFile("appSettings.json", optional: false);

    IConfiguration config = builder.Build();

    return config.GetSection(nameof(MigratorTenantInfo)).Get<List<MigratorTenantInfo>>();

Migrating Each Tenant Database

async Task MigrateTenantDatabase(MigratorTenantInfo tenant)
    using var logContext = LogContext.PushProperty("TenantName", $"({tenant.Name}) ");
    DbContextOptions dbContextOptions = CreateDefaultDbContextOptions(tenant.ConnectionString);
        using var context = new EfCoreDbContext(dbContextOptions);
        await context.Database.MigrateAsync();
    catch (Exception e)
        Logger.Error(e, "Error occurred during migration");

DbContextOptions CreateDefaultDbContextOptions(string connectionString) => 
    new DbContextOptionsBuilder()
        .LogTo(action: Logger.Information, filter: MigrationInfoLogFilter(), options: DbContextLoggerOptions.None)

To migrate a tenant database, I create a DbContextOptions with the tenant database connection string, and do some plumbing with the logging setup. I'll explain more about the logging later.

Using the DbContextOptions instance I created, I instantiate a new DbContext, in my case the EfCoreDbContext, and call the asynchronous method of my context's Database property, MigrateAsync().

If an error is encountered during the migration, I'll catch the exception, log the error to the console, and propagate the exception back up the caller.


While the console app is running and applying the migrations, I want to know what's happening in real time. EF Core offers a bit of logging of its internals out of the box. However, for applying migrations, I found the logging too excessive for my use case. My solution was to supply the LogTo method within the DbContextOptionsBuilder some additional parameters for filtering the logging output.

.LogTo(action: Logger.Information, filter: MigrationInfoLogFilter(), options: DbContextLoggerOptions.None)


I've configured the console app to use Serilog. I set up an ILogger instance as follows.

static readonly ILogger Logger = Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
    .WriteTo.Console(outputTemplate: "[{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss} {Level:u3}] {TenantName}{Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}")

You may have noticed above in the MigrateTenantDatabase method, I pushed the property "TenantName" to the static LogContext. This is so I can associate the logging output to a specific tenant. This was especially important to me in order to make sense of the logging output when the migrations could be running in parallel.

My Logger.Information method is what I passed as my logging action delegate to the LogTo method.

Filtering with MigrationInfoLogFilter()

I want my logging output to only contain information about the migration in progress at the informational level. Otherwise, the only other logging output I want to know about needs to be above the informational level.

Func<EventId, LogLevel, bool> MigrationInfoLogFilter() => (eventId, level) =>
    level > LogLevel.Information ||
    (level == LogLevel.Information &&

I'm able to filter the specific events by supplying my desired EventId's from EF Core's RelationEventId static class. The result of this method is what I pass to LogTo.


And that about wraps it up. Here's my output after running the console app.

[15:21:40 INF] Starting parallel execution of pending migrations...
[15:21:42 INF] (ExtremeGolf) Applying migration '20210411140109_InitialCreate'.
[15:21:42 INF] (Hole19) Applying migration '20210411140109_InitialCreate'.
[15:21:42 INF] (AlbatrossWasHere) Applying migration '20210411140109_InitialCreate'.
[15:21:42 INF] (AugustaWho) Applying migration '20210411140109_InitialCreate'.
[15:21:42 INF] (BirdiesRUs) Applying migration '20210411140109_InitialCreate'.
[15:21:42 INF] (HeadcoverCentral) Applying migration '20210411140109_InitialCreate'.
[15:21:42 INF] (Default) Applying migration '20210411140109_InitialCreate'.
[15:21:42 INF] (BirdiesRUs) Applying migration '20210411164415_AddUserNameColumn'.
[15:21:42 INF] (Hole19) Applying migration '20210411164415_AddUserNameColumn'.
[15:21:42 INF] (HeadcoverCentral) Applying migration '20210411164415_AddUserNameColumn'.
[15:21:42 INF] (ExtremeGolf) Applying migration '20210411164415_AddUserNameColumn'.
[15:21:42 INF] (AugustaWho) Applying migration '20210411164415_AddUserNameColumn'.
[15:21:42 INF] (Default) Applying migration '20210411164415_AddUserNameColumn'.
[15:21:42 INF] (AlbatrossWasHere) Applying migration '20210411164415_AddUserNameColumn'.
[15:21:42 INF] Parallel execution of pending migrations is complete.

Seven tenant databases migrated in under two seconds; I can't complain!

Happy Coding!

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